Il Murello Agritourism

For your relax near Bologna

Il Murello Agritourism

Our Kitchen

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Our kitchen

Restaurant for people with coeliac disease in Bologna and Imola

For whom is looking an excellent restaurant in Bologna province, the ideal solution is an agritourism where to taste some great dishes for people with coeliac disease, some of them homemade. In Bologna, at few kilometers from the city, there is Il Murello agritourism, ready to delight customers with some tempting proposals. In the inner restaurant, many traditional dishes enriched by a touch of originality.

If you are looking for a recommended restaurant or agritourism where to taste great dishes near Bologna you must try Il Murello agritourism.  Agritourism for people with coeliac disease, offers gluten-free  excellent dishes: gluten-free green lasagna Bolognese, gluten-free tortellini with cream sauce, gluten-free potato triangles and cheek lard with chives and many other first courses with whom only we can surprise you!

The whole staff training and education hasn’t been easy, and neither learning to  knead a kind of dough different from the usual one and never made before. Over the years our sfogline managed to find the right balance for doughs without gluten, with a lot of diligence we succeeded to elaborate and create very special and good gluten-free  dishes, let you be surprised by our dishes!

Gluten isn’t a fundamental protein in our diet, so removing  it doesn’t create any nutrional imbalance. But being present in many  grains, as everyone knows rich in fiber, this aspect is to consider: for this reason eating legumes, fruit and vegetables to balance this shortage of vegetable fiber is necessary. Who discovers to be coeliac thinks to be forced to give up to all food eaten until the moment of diagnosis. Luckily it isn’t so. At Il Murello agritourism we propose gluten-free  tasting menus for people with coeliac disease, with the same dishes of the dining companions who normally digest.

Some fundamental rules of gluten-free cuisine, for gluten-free restaurants like as for homemade food :

  • Before starting to cook without gluten, always wash hands, workspace and kitchenware well to be sure that there aren’t still previous traces of flour. 
  • Make sure that every single ingredient is among those permitted included in AIC manual and in case of doubt, consult labels and the manual. 
  • Let’s create some dishes starting from simple and not manufactured  elements like milk, meat, fish, eggs, fruit, vegetables, potatoes, cheese, yogurt, legumes and grains that don’t contain gluten (rice, millet, corn, buckwheat) so to follow the dish from its preparation to the table. 
  • Cook gluten-free food separately, in different places from those ones with gluten (don’t use the same water or the same oil, don’t mix with the same spoon and don’t make coffee with the same coffee maker used for barley coffee). 
  • Avoid all wooden cutlery, wooden cutting board, wooden kitchenware and non-stick pans that tend to absorb food.

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Recommended restaurant, agritourism Il Murello near Bologna, Bologna restaurant Il Murello famous for people with coeliac disease.

Typical tasting menus and special first courses

The cuisine we would like to propose to customers arises from our area typicalities and then develops in the experience to enrich them with new ideas and new flavours. For this reason our cuisine expresses itself in a menu with typical tastings where you’ll find particular and original first courses. Agritourism arisen from our area traditions that always follows food seasonality, for this reason the tasting menu is different every week.

Il Murello is the recommended restaurant where to taste, near Bologna, excellent dishes of the Bolognese tradition made with love and passion.

Gastronomy is the strong point of our agritourism, very fresh and quality ingredients, attention in the choice of meats and cold cuts we offer, homemade pasta with our sfogline’s rolling pin , all things that transform the typical Bolognese cuisine in an elite cuisine.

The tasting menu of the week that we offer you is a complete menu from the starter to the after-dinner drink where you’ll enjoy several tastings for every dish,  rabbocchi are always available upon request.

In addition to the classic green Lasagna Bolognese, large ravioli, tortellini or the glorious  tagliatelle with meat sauce, we propose exclusive first courses: potato triangles  and cheek lard with chives, four cheese pear and pistachio half-moon pasta, tortellacci  with mortadella , poppy seeds and zucchini. The first course that characterizes us most is surely  lavender scented robiola cheese and shallot dumplings, delicately scented and well balanced on the palate, you can’t miss it!

Every dish above mentioned is available  even without gluten, indeed from April 2011 we are part of the group of informed restaurants AiC: Italian Society for the Celiac disease. We have become experts in every aspect of the management , from the cookery to the protection of your table seating.Green lsagna Bolognese without gluten, gluten-free tortellini with cream sauce, gluten-free potato triangles and cheek lard with chives and many other first courses with whom only we can surprise you!

The whole staff training and education hasn’t been easy, and neither kneading a kind of dough never made before. Over the years our sfogline managed to work and  find the right balance for doughs without gluten, it has been complicated, but with a lot of diligence we succeeded to elaborate and create very special and good gluten-free  dishes, let you be surprised by our dishes!

Don’t miss the chance to let you be surprised by typical Bolognese tastings and particular first courses:

call 0516962054 number or send an email to

Give a dinner or a stay as a gift  at il Murello

If you think of an original and really satisfying gift make a Murello gift card! You can choose the formula you prefer between a complete tasting dinner or with  Crescentine & Tigelle or also  adding overnight stay  in the Golden room !! We’ll prepare you a beautiful packet with the gift card you chose inside! We’ll prepare a beautiful packet with your gift card chosen inside, we have several proposals from only dinner to overnight stay with dinner. A really original gift, perfect for every necessity. Two first courses menu, Crescentine and Tigelle, dessert and drinks included;

Homemade pasta in Bologna

We are proud to show Emilian tradition first courses to customers. Just like in the past, our sfogline stretch the dough with the rolling pin to create local traditional  first courses. Restaurant near  Bologna and Imola,  il Murello agritourism proposes only homemade pasta that will surprise your palate.

Near  Bologna, a real cuddle of flavours in a restaurant recommended even for the most demanding palates.

Recommended charming agritourism near Bologna, easy to reach.

The agritourism is in the open country. In the agritourism pasta is homemade by the “zdaure”, the sfogline of our territory who preserve pasta dough flavours typical of our region and especially in province of Bologna. The difference between homemade pasta and traditional pasta is huge , the consistency, the aroma, even the irregularities  of tagliatelle made with the rolling pin are pleasures  that we are trying to preserve in time to transmit to the next generations.

Involving you  in our philosophy is very important for us. The menu we propose you changes every week to ensure you our food freshness and seasonality:

All soups have the dough kneaded by hand and stretched by our  “zdaure”with the rolling pin. Maccheroni and similar shapes are pressed.

We make bread and the other baked products . Guinea fowls, rabbits, ducks, cockerels and hens are  domestic animals in courtyard and so breeded  in a traditional way.

Our vegetable garden gives us the possibility of having seasonal vegetables  like radicchios, eggplants, zucchini, carrots, cardoons etc.. ; when possible we use everything the vegetable garden gives us.

We use the aromatic plants we cultivate and that you can see also in the lavender garden. We use only  Parmigiano Reggiano 36 months aged ,Parmigiano cream and butter of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese factories.

For desserts we don’t use vegetable fats, chocolate surrogate and  industrial confectionery preparations: only fresh and natural products like butter and fresh cream, the latter is used also in some soups sauces.

The rosolio is made by macerating our roses petals, the nocino with our walnuts, the liqueur and the grappa  with our lavender .

If we need some missing products we purchase them from the nearest farms  , adopting the km 0 approach.

Many specialities are available even without gluten, indeed from April 2011 we are part of the group of informed restaurants AiC: Italian Society for the Celiac disease. We have become experts in every aspect of the management , from the cookery to the protection of your table seating. 

Call 051 6962054 immediately for more information or send an email to

Recommended restaurant near Bologna, Il Murello is famous for homemade pasta and typical Bolognese food.

Bolognese lasagna in Bologna

For whom is looking for an excellent restaurant in province of Bologna the ideal solution is an agritourism where to taste a  homemade great green lasagna Bolognese. At few kilometers from Bologna there is Il Murello agritourism, ready to delight their customers with some tempting proposals.In the inner restaurant many traditional dishes enriched by a touch of originality.

Are you looking for a very good restaurant or agritourism recommended for typical Bolognese dishes? Near Bologna you’ll find Il Murello agritourism where Emilian traditional dishes remained the same like in the past.

Even though its origins are still shrouded in mystery , no doubt that the lasagna is a very ancient food. It seems that already the  Etruscans prepared a kind of lasagna made of  emmer wheat, and it is certain that already  the Romans prepared a variety of it that the poet Horace liked very much. Indeed, in the Roman era  there was  a dish called lasanum that was made of squares of  grilled pasta with vegetables and cheese. The idea to overlap  these strips of pasta, instead, dates back to the 14th century, when Francesco Zambrini decided to alternate a layer of pasta and a layer of cheese, creting the first recipe of lasagna how we know it now. Through the centuries this dish spread in all Italy,  creating many different kinds of lasagna, from vegetable lasagna to cheese lasagna, so almost every Italian region has a typical version of lasagna by now. Among them the most famous in the world is, probably, Bolognese lasagna. It is a long preparation that requires a lot of dedication and love, but gives great satisfaction.

The lasagna is a classic first course that is  so good and tasty that never goes out of fashion. It is a quite demanding procedure, maybe for this reason Green lasagna is prepared for  celebrations or special  events, but it is really worth the time it takes to taste this fantastic lasagna, that has nothing to do with  the ready lasagna you can buy at the supermarket or at the take-away shop .Meat sauce and  béchamel prepared with selected and fresh ingredients,  and to speed they can be anticipated the day before, then heating them in the  microwave oven or in bain-marie ( the  béchamel) will be enough ,adding a drizzle of milk to make the béchamel  soft.  The green fresh pasta  with eggs and spinach,  according to the basic recipe enclosed, can be prepared in advance even the day before, it is parboiled and dried in kitchen clothes, eventually  wrapped as a roll in oven paper made of layers  and put  in the fridge, it will be ready for the baking tray.

 Green lasagna Bolognese, such as tortellini,  is available even without gluten, indeed from  April 2011 we are part of the group of informed restaurants AiC: Italian Society for the Celiac disease. We have become experts in every aspect of the management , from the cookery to the protection of your table seating.

The whole staff training and education hasn’t been easy, and neither kneading a kind of dough never made before. Our sfogline managed to work and find the right balance for doughs without gluten, it has been complicated, but with diligence we succeeded to elaborate and create very special and good gluten-free dishes, let you be surprised by our dishes!

Call immediately for more information or send an email

Recommended restaurant and agritourism near Bologna Il Murello  Bologna restaurant famous  for Bolognese lasagna

Tortellini bolognese in broth or with cream sauce

Who was born with the smell of tortellini that accompanies every special day of our childhood can recognize homemade tortellini at a glance, but especially true tortellini of the Bolognese tradition. The preparation and culture of tortellini is part of our story, so we are proud to spread this Emilian speciality to our customers. Il Murello agritourism proposes his majesty  tortellino in broth, with cream sauce and even tortellini without gluten for people with coeliac disease. 

If you look for a place near Bologna where to eat healthy you can’t miss Il Murello recommended restaurant.  

The name tortellino that in Boognese is called  “turtléin”, comes from the diminutive of “ tortello”, which derives from the term “torta”( cake). The tortellini are a typical dish for Christmas lunch, they can make the meal elegant and rich in history.

There are several legends about the origin of this dish. One of them narrates that it was born in Castelfranco Emilia thanks to the owner of the Corona inn who, spying a noble lady who was a guest through her room keyhole, and so struck by the beauty of her navel, decided to reproduce it as a cooking speciality.

On 7th December 1974 the “ Brotherhood of the Tortellino” and “the Italian Academy of Cookery “ deposited the recipe for the filling at the Bologna Chamber of Commerce;  it  prescribes a stuffing prepared with pork loin, raw ham, Bologna mortadella, Parmigiano Reggiano, eggs and nutmeg in a dough of flour and eggs of 6/10 mm.

Tortellini, according to the Bolognese tradition, are to be cooked and eaten only in a good capon or hen broth.

The preparation is quite laborious, but the choice of  raw material surely makes the difference for  tortellini. Our “sfogline”  ( women who roll pasta sheets) prepare the dough with their hands, with mastery and using the roll pin skilfully. The dough obtained in this way is  rolled in a damp cloth to dry a little, at this point it’s ready to be stretched out on a cutting board and be cut  in squares of 3,5 cm per side, at the centre the right quantity of filling has been placed. The ingredients of our stuffing is a secret that we’ll reveal to you when you taste them…

This speciality, like  green lasagna Bolognese, is available even without gluten, indeed from April 2011 we are part of the group of informed restaurants AiC: Italian Society for the Celiac disease. We have become experts in every aspect of the management , from the cookery to the protection of your table seating.

The whole staff training and education hasn’t been easy, and neither kneading a kind of dough never made before. Our sfogline managed to work and find the right balance for doughs without gluten, it has been complicated, but with diligence we succeeded to elaborate and create very special and good gluten-free dishes, let you be surprised by our dishes!

Call  051-6962054 for information or send an email to

Recommended restaurant near Bologna and  Imola,  Il Murello agritourism is famous for Bolognese tortellini and many other refined and original first courses.

Bolognese cutlet

You can’t leave  Bologna without having tasted its tradional dishes. A cuisine rich in story and tradition, among the first 10 typical dishes there is surely the Bolognese cutlet, a main course re-elaborated in a refined and exquisite way. 

Come to taste the Bolognese cutlet of Il Murello agritourism,  a restaurant just near Bologna and Imola where you’ll enjoy the unique flavour of many Bolognese culinary specialities enriched by a touch of originality.

The classic Milanese cutlet is the most popular version, but the most refined is surely the Bolognese cutlet.   Differences between the two recipes are stronger than  similarities: veal meat, of course, but a different cut. In this case loin, that is boneless leg, so the term cutlet is a little misleading. In this way you’ll get the superb Bolognese cutlet, otherwise called Petronian.

A forbidden dream. A nourishing, rich  dish, symbol of that Bologna defined  “the fat”, but deeply satisfying. It’s not a famous dish, but when you taste it it’s difficult to forget and that will make you feel thee desire to enjoy it still for a long moment. The Bolognese recipe of the cutlet, spreaded more or less in the whole Emilia Romagna, prescribes that meat, generally of veal, is breaded, fried and then put in the oven covered with  grated cheese (Parmigiano Reggiano) and raw sweet ham like Parma.

It’s an important and old preparation, already recognizable in some banquets dishes of the early 17th century, but codified only two centuries later.

 In this case the book  «La Scienza in cucina e l’Arte di mangiar bene» of Artusi is an interesting source, at the entry“ Cutlets with ham”. The ‘valdostana’ stuffed with fontina cheese and sometimes white truffle and the French ‘cordon bleu’, garnished with cheese and cooked ham  are similar, but can’t equal a combination of Emilian ingredients under the sign of absolute excellence.

This speciality is available even without gluten, indeed from April 2011 we are part of the group of informed restaurants AiC: Italian Society for the Celiac disease. We have become experts in every aspect of the management , from the cookery to the protection of your table seating.

If you look for a place rich in old flavours near Bologna, come to taste the famous Bolognese cutlet at Il Murello agritourism. Call  0516962054 for information or send an email to 

Crescentine and tigelle

Crescentine and tigelle are often repeated and spreaded in the whole Emilia Romagna, but finding the soft, light and not oily crescentina is very difficult. 

At few kilometers from  Bologna and  Imola there is Il Murello agritourism  where maximum attention is paid to propose top quality crescentine and tigelle . Also the combinations proposed with first choice cold cuts, jam in sweet and sour sauce , fresh squacquerone cheese and il Murello Bolognese sauce are of high quality.

In a small town near Bologna, you’ll find a wonderful restaurant suggested for the most demanding palates.

You must try our Tigelle together with Emilian fried Crescentine, not at all  oily, of perfect consistency to balance every combination: from first choice cold cuts to the slightly spicy  sausage and cherry tomato sauce, the fresh and delicate squacquerone cheese with the warm crescentina…they are sensations to try at least once in your life. The crescenta or crescentina ( plural form crescenti or crescentine) is a kind of bread  typical of our Emilian area.  The original name ( in the Modena Apennines) of this food is the “crescente” but a lot of variations are spreaded by now. The terms “crescente” e “crescentina” are used also in Bologna and Reggio Emilia areas. The tigella is a small, round flat bread typical of the Emilian Apennines, particularly among Bologna and Modena, where it’s eaten stuffed with cold cuts and/or cheese. Usually people eat several tigelle, because an only tigella is very small; for this reason it’s common using the plural form tigelle. Tigelle is the name of the terracotta cookware where once upon a time crescentine in Emilian Apennines mountains were cooked. So tigelle are terracotta discs that were heated in the fireplace and then stacked interposing the dough and chestnut leaves to season,until everything is well done.

Our crescentine and tigelle menu  includes: Crescentine and Tigelle a go-go! Cold cuts ( Parma ham, salami, local bacon, mortadella Bologna IGP, pig head sausage and crackling from Romagna), squacquerone (typical fresh cheese), spring onions typical of Medicina and Pesto sauce of the Murello, jam in sweet and sour sauce (onion and watermelon or peppers), slightly spicy sausage meat sauce, coffee or infusions, tasting of our liqueurs..

This menu is available  even without gluten, with the only variation of the piadina in place of tigelle.indeed from April 2011 we are part of the group of informed restaurants AiC: Italian Society for the Celiac disease. We have become experts in every aspect of the management , from the cookery to the protection of your table seating.

Call immediately 051 6962054 for information

Or send an email to

Recommended restaurant and agritourism to taste crescentine and tigelle near Bologna, a simple but top quality and freshness menu.

Our bedrooms

Il Murello Agritourism bedrooms

Each bedroom is furnished  in a different way, creating so 6 exclusive atmospheres, all very refined and cozy, coordinated in a warm-antique style and made according to our philosophy of a typical and genuine environment.

Wide bathrooms with hydromassage shower , furnished with hand-embroidered  fresh linen towels together with bedrooms furnished with ortophaedic mattresses that assure and guarantee a good rest, precious details that will give  harmonious wellness and particular peace to your stay.

Six original bedrooms of different kinds: double single use, twin  or double bedroom  and in case  also  triple bedrooms, in the bedrooms you’ll find :

  • hydromassage shower
  • Murello courtesy products: shampoo, body wash, face and body cream, hand cream; 
  • hair dryer
  • safe-deposit box; 
  • mini-bar; 
  • Air conditioning with individual temperature control; 
  • satellite TV; 
  • free WiFi also on the balcony ; 
  • kettle with selection of exquisite tea and coffee

The golden bedroom  deserves a special mention, it’s furnished with antique furniture, with an enchanting poster bed, immediate country view  and a wide jacuzzi that make  it a special oasis.

Bedrooms of excellence are surely also the sunflower bedroom , the light blue bedroom, the green bedroom, the pink bedroom and the yellow bedroom.

Shuttle service on request from/ to the exhibition centre, station and airport.

Agritourism with bedrooms for workers

Il Murello agritourism: an oasis of hospitality near Bologna. Il Murello agritourism with its wonderful rooms is located near Bologna and is easy to reach. Those who want to visit the Province of Bologna and all workers in business trip will find a comfortable foothold  in a peaceful place at Il Murello.

Ideal for factories or operators who want to take part in Bologna fairs or who work near Bologna.

In effect the agritourism is at only 25 minutes from the exhibition centre, reachable thanks to side arterial roads that permit to avoid to take the bypass ( tangenziale)that is congested in those days. In those days there is so much traffic that it takes the same time  to reach our agritourism and to get to the centre of Bologna, without considering all the fines you would risk to get in ZTL zones.

Far from the chaos of a city like Bologna you’ll find the right rest to combine with your business. And on Friday and Saturday you don’t need to get around to have dinner, you can have dinner in the agritourism, we are waiting for you for your work stay of pleasure!

Recommended rooms near Bologna Il Murello Camere Bologna ideal rooms for workers .

Bedrooms with Jacuzzi in Bologna

 Il Murello agritourism: an oasis of hospitality near Bologna. Il Murello agritourism with its wonderful rooms is located near Bologna and is easy to reach. Those who want to visit the Province of Bologna and all workers in business trip will find a comfortable foothold  in a peaceful place at Il Murello.

The agritourism has six comfortable rooms equipped with every comfort. The hydromassage is one of the fabulous comforts that some of the recommended rooms you’ll find in Il Murello agritourism can offer.

If you find a good opportunity to celebrate with your partner, or to  take a break from work , concede yourself a stay in total relax at Il Murello agritourism. The recently built agritourism is just outside Bologna to ensure you all the country serenity and peace but at the same time it takes few minutes by car to get to beautiful tourist cities like Bologna, Dozza, Ferrara and Ravenna. We have maps and informative material to give you the best suggestions about how to spend your time.  When you come back to the agritourism you’ll find the restaurant at your disposal on Friday and Saturday evenings, a great way to finish your day with good food and the comfort of a room with jacuzzi.

Recommended rooms near Bologna Il Murello  Bologna rooms with jacuzzi 

Experiences at Murello

Wedding in the garden

Sunset at Murello

Wedding on the terrace

Sunflowers at Murello

In the neighborhood of Il Murello Agritourism

We are in a rather  strategic position in the North-East of Italy  so to easily reach several art cities or coastal areas during the day especially because we are  near the main arterial roads, we enlist you several ways and possible places of interest out of province.

WEST:  you can reach Florence in little more than one hour by car.

If you remain in Emilia Romagna, cities of international excellence like Bologna, Ferrara, Imola, Dozza and  Ravenna are far half an hour by car from our agritourism.

The well-known  Adriatic Riviera  is very famous, from the more elegant  Milano Marittima and Cervia,

( near MIRABILANDIA) coming down the coast , passing through Cesenatico to the renowned Rimini and   Riccione (one hour by car).

 NORTH-EAST:  you can reach very famous cities like Venice or Verona in an hour and a half by car.

About our municipality of Medicina  special events you can’t miss come in succession such as Barbarossa historical reconstruction, a local festival with more than twenty-five thousand people in holiday mood who dress up as ladies-in-waiting, archers or  armigers, parading along the streets of the historical centre  and recreating an evocative medieval atmosphere.

From our structure you can reach by bike  the radio astronomy systems of the  C.N.R. and of the university of Bologna “Croce del Nord” and  Selva Malvezzi  medieval town  where every fifth Sunday of the month  the antiques and collectors fair takes place.

For a day dedicated to nature we have the Quadrone Oasis and the Villafontana Partecipanza Valley  that offer the possibility to discover a still uncontaminated nature.  At 20 km from here there are the Campotto valley, the Oasis and the museum of the Argenta valleys.

The agro-tourist-cultural ruote of Medicina moist areas  of 32,5 km accessible by bike or foot will help you to know our territory in the best possible way ;  in our agritourism you can receive the detailed map of the itinerary.

In our agritourism brochures and maps of the several places of interest mentioned are available for you.

How to reach Il Murello Agritourism

From Bologna: take S. Vitale road (SP 253) towards Medicina; about 6 Km. Before arriving to Medicina, after the Fossatone bridge, turn on the left along Fasanina road following the indications to Fiorentina. Follow the business signs, after the roundabout continue  for 3,7 km, you’ll find our entrance in the centre of Fiorentina on the left!

From Imola: take the highway and exit at Castel S.Pietro; turn on the right towards Medicina; drive along the new San Carlo (SP19) to the end to enter the transverse road  (SP3)  Budrio direction; at Villa Fontana roundabout  turn on the  left to  Fiorentina; follow the business signs. 

 From Ferrara: take the highway to Bologna and exit at the Interport; enter the transverse road (SP3) Budrio direction  to Villafontana turnabout; turn on the left to Fiorentina and follow the business signs.

OUR GEO-POSITION: Latitude 44.531055 – Longitude 11.622977

Where we are

Via Fiorentina, 3780 (loc. Fiorentina)
40059 Medicina (BO)


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